By all accounts, Travis Outlaw is a great guy to hang out with. He’s Mr. Popular in the locker room, a darling in the eyes of the media (at least from a personality standpoint) and generally well received by everyone whom he comes into contact with. But according to Outlaw, that happy-go-lucky persona doesn’t care much for sitting around.
“I hate missing games,” said Outlaw. “I hate sitting out. I get irritated at home, just being at home. I need something to do.”
Whatever that something is, it has to be something that results in putting Outlaw to sleep, because a bright-eyed and bushy tailed Travis also happens to be a pestering troublemaker jerk sibling.
“If we practice I can go home and feel tired all day,” explains Outlaw. “If I don’t practice, I go home and I’m up for no reason. Walking around, starting fights with my brother. Something got to happen! Me just being at home don’t work.”
So bottom line: steer clear of Outlaw on off days, lest he follow you around picking fights. Don't think he won't.
slacking a little on this post don't you think? lol
i guess making an awesome podcast makes up for it.
Yeah, this post is a little lean, but as one of my bosses once told me: "They can't all be gems."
It's good stuff Casey. Concisativity is the key to awesomitivity.
Maybe Travis should take up whittling as a hobby.
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