Friday, February 27, 2009

Audio: Kevin Pritchard on the Jim Rome Show

If you're like me, you were too busy yesterday morning to catch Kevin Pritchard's appearance (is it still an "appearance" if it's on the radio?) on the Jim Rome Show. Luckily for all of us, I've obtained some of that interview, which is available below.

Download the podcast (4.4 MB)

I say "some" of the interview because the audio cuts off right in the middle of KP answering a question about why the Trail Blazers didn't trade Raef LaFrentz. The answer to that question is already readily available, but I'm sure you'd like to hear his reasons again, along with the rest of the interview, so I'll continue trying to track down the full clip. Check back later for an update.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for grabbing this Casey. I knew he was going to be on the program, but you can't listen to it live or download the podcast without paying 5.95 for a month's subscription or something dumb.
