Wednesday, March 18, 2009

B.Roy, Cover Boy

The newest issue of Dime Magazine is now on the newsstands (or so I'm told at least) and our boy Brandon Roy is on the cover. According to the folks at Dime, it's Roy's first national cover, which seems odd to me considering how baller he is, but I'm fairly certain they're correct in their assertion. I remember specifically Joba Chamberlain beating out Roy for the ESPN "Next" cover. How's that working out for you Joba?

Long overdue, but good to see nonetheless. I was at the PF when Dime was setting up the shoot, so I'm personally excited to see how it turned out. I'll be walking over to Lloyd Center on my lunch break to pick up a copy in support of Roy and non-electronic media. Consider doing the same.


  1. Sweet!! I will have to go pick one up on my lunch break also, just wish I could get it signed.

  2. Where can I get this magazine?!

  3. I know where you can't get it: Barnes and Noble at Lloyd Center. They still have last months issue with LeBron on the shelves.
