No new trades, but one new podcast to wrap up the week. Gavin Dawson of 95.5 The Game, Dave Deckard of Blazer's Edge and myself, Casey Holdahl, of offer up this week's installment of the podcast. It's a (no)trade show!
This week we recap the trades that weren't and look toward the remaining 29 games of the season. Dave breaks down the cap situation, I draw parallels between Gerald Wallace and Nic Batum, and Gavin discusses having the same birthday as Maurice Lucas. You don't talk for nearly an hour by staying on the same topic.
Download the podcast (52 MB)
Dawson is really the worst "Rudy is 23!" Yeah, no s. Dawson, he's a rookie that's four years away from his prime. Stop acting like this is the player he's going to be. It's clear you don't like him but you're too much of a p. to admit it because you know the fans in Portland will eat you alive.