Monday, July 7, 2008

Trail Blazers Homecourt Roundtable

Watch Mike Barrett, Mike Rice, Brian Wheeler and Antonio Harvey discuss the 2008 NBA Draft, rising expectations for next season, the amount of youth on the Blazers' roster, how Rudy Fernandez fits in and predictions for next season in this clip from Trail Blazers Homecourt Summer Report.


  1. ummm....isn't this the same video as you posted last week? I don't think this is a roundtable.

  2. I just watched it and no, it's no the same video. This is Barrett, Rice, Wheels and Antonio talking about the offseason. The table is a rectangle, but you get the idea.

  3. I think will was's not linking to the video described.

  4. Casey, I'm having the same prolem as will is. I am not seeing the ruondtable video on this blog entry, instead I am seeing last week's video with Coach's comments and the youtube highlight reel stuff. Speaking as someone who provides technical help for others, you need to be very careful not to dismiss a user's problem report just because you're not observing the same behavior at first glance. I have to say the snarky way you've responded to will doesn't make you look very good, especially since you're wrong. Please get the correct video posted up in a way the outside world can consistently see, and we won't call the front office asking them why you're treating us like we're stupid.

  5. I'm not sure why you guys are having this problem. I've checked the link and video on 4 different computers, both on and off the Rose Garden campus, and I can't recreate what you're describing. I'll keep trying to figure out why the problem is occurring.

    Having said that, there was no "snark" in my comment to will. It's not the same video.

  6. Casey,

    Fair enough! In the spirit of good troubleshooting, let me tell you that when I hit your blog from the homepage, it looks like the right video is coming up. The first time I came to it, I followed a link from Sean's blog over @ So this may all turn out to be the O's fault. :-D
