Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Greg Oden

Gregory Wayne Oden Jr. turns 20 today. Not a boy, but still not yet a man. I'm assuming Greg is spending his birthday in Atlanta doing all the fun things that 20 year-olds do, which as far as I can tell is the same thing an 18 year-old would do. Those years between 18 and 21 don't yield many new experiences. Maybe Greg can rent a car now in some states.

So while we blow out 20 candles for Greg, it's also worth saying a hearty thank you to Zoe Oden, Greg's mother. At 24 inches long and weighing 8 pounds and 10 ounces, Greg was necessarily the gargantuan baby you might expect when looking at him now, but I can imagine that he was more than enough for Zoe.

Happy birthday Greg. Way to go Zoe.

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